UBC Community, Partners, and Alumni Publications

Niches 90 and 91, Beishan Rock Carvings (北山石刻) Anderl, Christoph; Yu, Sau Ling Wendy


This complex of niches is located in Beishan Rock Carvings (北山石刻), Fowan (佛灣), Dazu (大足) District, Chongqing. Niche 90: Three severely eroded figures: a seated figure in the middle of the niche, a standing figure on the left edge of the niche frame, and a standing figure on the right outside the niche. Niche 91: Two severely eroded figures: a seated figure in the middle of the niche and a standing figure on the left edge of the niche frame. Descriptions of the photos: Key to the niches [1] Overview of the niches [2] Metadata created by: Sau Ling Wendy Yu.

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