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The church of Transfiguration of Savior, at Nomitsi, southern Messinia (Outer Mani), Peloponnese, Greece Germanidou, Sophia


The church is one of the most important byzantine monuments of southern Peloponnese, in terms of its architecture, wall paintings, relief decoration. Its initial phase of construction is dated in the end of 12th -beginning of the 13th century. An extensive use of various brick ornaments stand out in its exterior: "cloisonné masonry", checkerboard and rosette patterns, dentil courses and eaves, relief slabs. The interior surfaces are covered by at least two phases of painted decoration; probably one byzantine, very damaged, and one that is today more visible, of post-byzantine time, dated in the 16th-17th century. The church is decorated also by relief decoration in marble, set in pieces or as ensembles such as the arched screen (templon) and the capitals of columns. As a building, it stands out of high artistic and archaeological value, as a well- representative example of middle byzantine architectural culture.

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