UBC Community, Partners, and Alumni Publications

Two niches, Qianfo zhai (千佛寨) Anderl, Christoph


These two niches are located in Qianfo zhai 千佛寨, Anyue xian 安岳縣, Sichuan sheng 四川省. They are located east of the Medicine Buddha Sutra transformation tableau. The dating of these two niches is uncertain. Unidentifiable headless figures are found in the lower niche. Their costumes are blue and orange, probably a recent addition. The middle figure, apparenlty the 'main character,' appears to be seated on a platform, possibly indicating a buddha. The interior of the high upper niche is not visible. Its outer frame appears to be decorated with floral patterns and a guardian deity with a naked torso is found in the lower right corner. To his left, a claw-like figure is depicted. The photographs show: A close-up of the upper niche [1]. An overview of these two niches [2]. Metadata created by: Anna Paulina Vasilieva, Sarah Smeulders, Zihui Yuan, Charlotte Mahieu and Sau Ling Wendy Yu.

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