UBC Community, Partners, and Alumni Publications

Right inscription on the top wall of Liu Benzun tableau (Liu Benzun shilian ku 柳本尊十煉窟), Pilu dong 毗廬洞 Anderl, Christoph


The right inscription on the top wall of Liu Benzun tableau (Liu Benzun shilian ku 柳本尊十煉窟) in Pilu cave (Pilu dong 毗盧洞), Anyue xian 安岳縣, Sichuan sheng 四川省 reads as follows: □長地久/菩薩因中誓願/□果熏脩真秘密/本尊教主者,始自嘉州城北,有柳生瘿,久而乃出嬰兒,邑都吏收養,父沒,繼其職,以柳為氏。審詳斯義,豈在今之操修。自凡入聖,即法身也。梵語毗盧遮那,華言遍□切處,或云種種光明,或云處處清淨,或云不可思議□,或云不可思議境界,乃至多種義理,不可窮盡

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