UBC Community, Partners, and Alumni Publications

The sixth austerity in Liu Benzun tableau (Liu Benzun shilian ku 柳本尊十煉窟), Pilu dong 毗廬洞 Anderl, Christoph


The cluster of statues and inscriptions depicting Liu Benzun's sixth austerity in the Liu Benzun tableau (Liu Benzun shilian ku 柳本尊十煉窟) in Pilu cave (Pilu dong 毗盧洞), Anyue xian 安岳縣, Sichuan sheng 四川省. The sixth austerity consists in refining the heart by fire (Ch. diliu lianxin 第六煉心). Photo [1] shows Liu Benzun lying propped up against a bolster. A flame rises from his chest. Above him hovers the Great Wheel Wisdom King (Ch. Dalun mingwang 大輪明王), who is witnessing Liu Benzun’s act. Photo [2] shows the inscription of the sixth austerity, The content is recorded as follows: 本尊賢聖於天福五年七月三日,以香臘燭一條煉心,供養諸佛。發菩提心,廣大如法界,究竟若虛空,令一切眾生永斷煩惱。感大輪明王現身證明,令一切眾生悉得醒悟。大藏佛言:“本尊是毗盧遮那佛,現眾生受大苦惱,於大唐大中九年六月十五日,於嘉州龍游縣玉津鎮天池壩顯法身出現世間,修諸苦行,轉大法輪。”始於唐武宗敕賜額名“毗盧院”,永為引導之師;次,孟蜀主敕額名“大輪院”,長作皈依之地;終,宋神宗皇帝熙寧年敕賜號“壽聖本尊院”,永作救世醫王。然凡敕賜,已經三朝 Transcription based on Liu Changjiu 刘长久, 1995: "Yelun Anyue Piludong shiku: jianyu Cao Dan, Zhao Ling erjun shangque 也论安岳毗卢洞石窟——兼与曹丹、赵昤二君商榷" [Research on grottos in Pilu cave in Anyue county: discussion with Cao Dan and Zhao Ling] in Sichuan wenwu 四川文物 [Sichuan Cultural Relics] 5, pp. 37-43. Metadata created by Longyu Zhang (May 31, 2022). Metadata created by Longyu Zhang (May 31, 2022).

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