UBC Community, Partners, and Alumni Publications

Epitaph record of the deceased Grand Prince of the State of Wei, 1062(故魏國大王墓誌銘記,1062) Jia, Jinhua; Yang, Zhaohua; Li, Lin; Yuan, Xiaoli; Tian, Menglu


This epitaph record is located in the Imperial Incense Hall (御香殿) of Beizhen Temple. It is sized 120cm (height) by 120cm (width). It was carved in the 8th year of Qingning (1062). The epitaph lid and body are combined. Nine characters, “Gu Wei Guo Da Wang Mu Zhi Ming Ji 故魏國大王墓誌銘記” (Epitaph Record of the Deceased Grand Prince of the State of Wei), are engraved on the lid.

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