UBC Community, Partners, and Alumni Publications

Poster on a donor-funded project Suji, Manoj


This poster details the process of proving that one meets the requirements and of lodging complaints and grievances related to the food-for-work programme implemented by the World Food Programme (WFP) in the aftermath of the 2015 earthquake. This poster by WFP announces its 9 AM-6 PM, Monday-Friday toll-free services in regard to: 1) any inquiry about its food-for-work projects, 2) reporting any abuse or fraud related to its project, 3) loss of identity card or any related problems, and 4) any problems about acquiring food after the end of the project. Taken during the 1st phase of fieldwork conducted by the research team based at Social Science Baha in Kathmandu, Nepal, as part of the SSHRC Partnership Development Grant, ‘Expertise, Labour and Mobility in Nepal’s Post-Conflict, Post-Disaster Reconstruction’. See project details at https://elmnr.arts.ubc.ca/.

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