UBC Community, Partners, and Alumni Publications

Two bulls in a temporary shed Subedi, Prakash


In rural Nepal, the households consist of subsistence farmers and animals are reared for their milk, meat, and fertiliser, as well as draught animals. In the earthquake, it was not only people that were displaced, but also animals. While the government is providing grants for housing in the aftermath of the 2015 earthquake, there is nothing for reconstructing animal sheds or other domestic structures such as granaries or wood sheds. Taken during the 1st phase of fieldwork conducted by the research team based at Social Science Baha in Kathmandu, Nepal, as part of the SSHRC Partnership Development Grant, ‘Expertise, Labour and Mobility in Nepal’s Post-Conflict, Post-Disaster Reconstruction’. See project details at https://elmnr.arts.ubc.ca/.

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