UBC Community, Partners, and Alumni Publications

Shimen qingren miao (石門情人廟) Anderl, Christoph; Shen, Lien Fan; Burdorf, Suzanne; Yan, Weiguang


Altar with three deities, Fomu 佛母 ("Buddha-mother") in the center, Tudi gong 土地公 to the right, and his wife Tudi po 土地婆 to the left [1]. Front view [2]. Side shrine Laoshu gong 老樹公, for a tree deity [3]. Altar of the Tibetan temple [4]. Close-up of the altar; above the Fomu there is an inscription with a mantra, in addition to the phrase: 受情如意佛 "Wishfullfilling Buddha for receiving passion/love" [5]. Above the altar there is the character Fu 富, with a mantra [6]. Altar [7]. Information on the temple [8]. Side shrine Laoshu gong 老樹公, for a tree deity [9]. Side shrine Laoshu gong 老樹公, for a tree deity, inside view; 老樹公 is written on a wooden plank, representing the deity [10]. Donor names [11]. Incense burner next to the temple [12]. Information on the temple [13, 14, 15]. 360˚ view [16].

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