UBC Graduate Research

Exploring the Literature of a Nurse's Role in the Planning, Implementation and Evaluation of Interprofressional In Situ Simulation : A Scoping Review Gallaher, Jaime


Background: In situ simulation is a growing trend in health care institutions. Considering that nurses are so engrained in bed side care of patients, they are usually involved in hospital simulation training. However, little is known about the nurses’ role in the prior steps of these large institutional, interprofessional simulations such as the planning, implementation and evaluation of the simulation itself. Objective: To conduct a scoping review of the literature to see what literature/research currently examines or discusses the inclusion of nursing in the planning, implementation and evaluation of a large interprofessional in situ simulation. Methods: A scoping review was conducted using four main data bases as well as six articles were used from previous Google and Google Scholar searches. All data was collected in October, 2016. Inclusion criteria were articles that were published in English, any type of medical, in hospital simulation including pediatrics, surgical, emergency or trauma and lastly any review of actual case scenarios including in situ simulation, discussions around team work, planning simulation or papers providing guidance/advice on how to conduct in situ simulation. Overall, the goal was to look for anything that may discuss the importance of having nursing involvement in in situ simulation. Results: Thirty-three articles met the criteria for this scoping review. Results determined that nurses were in fact involved in the implementation of actual simulations themselves (29/33), however were only involved in the planning phase of the simulations 12 out of 33 times. No concrete data was able to be collected on nurses in the evaluation phases of the in situ simulations. Nurses were also noted to be authors on 23 of the articles reviewed whereas physicians were authors in 29 out of 33. Conclusion: Despite the fact that nurses are one of the most involved professions in interprofessional in situ simulation, they are not always included in the planning and evaluation of these types of simulations which could have negative outcomes / unspecific objectives for the nurses involved. Nurses are also not as well published on their own, without physician involvement. There is room for further research and improvement on the nurses’ role in the planning phases specifically in these types of large interprofessional in situ hospital simulations to provide greater inclusion of the nursing profession.

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