UBC Faculty Research and Publications

Marmarini Stele Canlas, Gino


The Marmarini inscription was written on a large orthographic stone stele dating to the middle of the 2nd c. BC (probably the first half rather than the second half of the century) on palaeographic grounds. The site of its original location (a sanctuary) is unknown as the stele was looted and dumped on the side of the road in the area of Marmarini to the northeast of Larissa in Thessaly, Greece. The inscription details the rites and regulations for behaviour at the sanctuary in which the stele was erected. The inscription provides details concerning the sanctuary, as well as a festival to an unnamed goddess. The text provides information concerning a festival to an unnamed goddess, with other subsidiary deities such as Artemis Phylake. The cult described by the inscription seems to have had a lot of Near Eastern features (names of calendar months, proscription against pork, rituals from Near Eastern traditions, etc.). The stone stele was found in 2002 and the text and translation of the inscription has only recently been published (2015).

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