UBC Faculty Research and Publications

Jiyuan Pangu kaozheng (濟源盤谷考證) Rusk, Bruce, 1972-


This stone inscription in Chinese is located at Jidu Temple (濟瀆廟), Jiyuan, Henan, China. It is dated 1769 (Qing 清 period), and is in the calligraphy of the Qianlong emperor, who commissioned an inquiry into the true location of a valley call Pangu (盤谷), which he determined to be in Jiyuan. Six fragments are shown here, in varying states of decay. Dimensions of Piece 1: 128.5 cm (H) ✕ 74.7 cm (W) ✕ 26.5 cm (D); Piece 2: Dimensions: 115.5 cm (H) ✕ 47.7 cm (W) ✕ 17 cm (D); Piece 3: 116 cm (H) ✕ 47.5 cm (W) ✕ 18.5 cm (D); Piece 4: 133 cm (H) ✕ 63 cm (W) ✕ 15.5 cm (D); Pieces 5 and 6: no measurements. Further details are provided in the accompanying metadata spreadsheet, "Inscription metadata for Cluster 2.1 (2017): Jiyuan Shi (China)" under ID JD-88.

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