UBC Faculty Research and Publications

The Health Effects of Fixed-Guideway Transit Investment : A Review of Methods and Best Practice [executive summary] Frank, Lawrence D.; Devries, Danielle; Iroz-Elardo, Nicole, 1981-; Hong, Andy; Winters, Meghan; Brauer, Michael


[This executive summary was prepared for: City of Vancouver Vancouver Coastal Health Authority TransLink] A growing body of evidence suggests that transportation and land use investments can have broadreaching implications for population health, economic development, and greenhouse gas emissions. Transportation systems link people with social and health promoting resources, such as employment, education, food, recreation, social services, and health care. When developed thoughtfully, transit investment can be lead to more compact urban development conducive to active transportation. Transit investment thus can influence healthy behaviors such as walking and biking. Fixed alignment transit such as rail rapid transit, light rail transit and bus rapid transit, are important regional investments that influence land values and are linked with economic development, housing, and social justice strategies. As the City of Vancouver, Vancouver Coastal Health Authority, Metro Vancouver, and TransLink prepare for the Millennium Line Broadway Extension (MLBE) rail rapid transit investment; this report provides a review of methodologies of pre/post evaluations, strengths, weaknesses, and applicability to the MLBE. It also documents the edge of current academic knowledge that may be augmented through thoughtful studies implemented around the MLBE.

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