Canadian Summer School on Quantum Information (CSSQI) (10th : 2010)

Twists in Topological Codes Bombin, Hector


There exists a close relationship between topological quantum error-correcting codes and topological order in condensed matter systems. Indeed, a topological stabilizer code can be regarded as the ground state of a suitable Hamiltonian model, so that "wrong" syndromes correspond to excitations. These excitations are anyons, quasiparticles that carry a topological charge and exhibit exotic statistics. Anyon models can be symmetric under some permutations of their topological charges. One can then conceive topological defects that, under monodromy, transform anyons according to a symmetry. We call these defects twists. Twists give rise to new topological degrees of freedom in the ground state, useful as a quantum memory. Moreover, twists can be braided to perform topologically protected gates on these topological qubits. Thus, twists provide a new way to encode and compute with topological codes through code deformations. Because the properties of twists depend on the anyon model, codes with different anyon content give rise to different computational capabilities. E.g., in the well-known toric code a process where suitable twists are braided and fused has the same outcome as if they were Ising anyons. These are non-abelian anyons: braiding produces non-trivial gates on encoded qubits.

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