British Columbia Mine Reclamation Symposium

A review of the management of the Britannia Mine remediation project : counting the pennies Azevedo, Barry, 1964-; O’Hara, Gerry


The Province of British Columbia began planning and budgeting for the Britannia Mine Remediation Project in 1997, subsequent to the B.C. Contaminated Sites Regulation becoming effective. Remediation planning was conducted in significant consultation with stakeholders, and with the guidance of a technical advisory committee, which has proven a valuable approach. The Contaminated Sites Regulation provided a legal incentive for the former mine owners to reach a settlement with the Province. A settlement was reached between the Province and the former mine owners in April 2001. The settlement only provided a portion of the total estimated remediation cost and therefore required the Province to commit additional dollars to fully fund the plan. The Province subsequently reached an agreement with the new owner of the mine site in 2003 and took ownership of the vast majority of the Britannia Mine lands. The Province also received development levies from the privately held lands and other cash-in-kind considerations. The original remediation plan and budget was developed with only limited site knowledge; however, the project budget has benefited from some early conservative assumptions, effective project management, and cost-effective WTP procurement and delivery. However, there remain substantial outstanding liabilities that may impact the budget in the future.

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