Digital Library Federation (DLF) (2015)

6 Snapshots : Process II Tracy, Daniel; Mercer, Holly; Meyer, Lars; Porter, Emily; Rasmussen, Hannah; Appleby, Jacqueline Whyte; Cain, Jonathan


Library Publishing Services and Their Readers: Trends and Barriers in the Digital Collections We Create -- Library publishing is a booming area of creation for tomorrow's digital collections. However, it has been unclear the extent to which library publishing services build from library strengths in studying users (i.e. readers) of information resources to shape publication formats and interface design. This presentation reports on a survey of library publishers to establish the extent to which they collect and use information about reader needs, preferences, and behaviors to inform publication design, and barriers to doing so. I emphasize the importance of user studies for library publishing services as much as traditional collections and public service functions. Presenter: Daniel Tracy (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign). $165,000 Later: Scholarly Publishing Reform in Motion -- The Office of Research the University Libraries jointly established the Open Publishing Support Fund in October 2008 to enable authors to retain copyright in their works, accelerate digital dissemination of the university's research, and raise awareness of open access publishing on campus. Simply put, the fund reimburses authors for article processing charges (APCs) levied by publishers of open access journals. This snapshot with take a closer look at the OA fund as it enters its eighth year, giving an analysis of applicants, awards, and publications, and an assessment of the fund's future. Presenter: Holly Mercer (University of Tennessee). Formalizing A Digital Library Program -- Libraries and Information Technologies Services (LITS), a relatively new organization at Emory University, is in the process of reinvisioning work in four key digital library services: Digitization, Metadata, Building and Sustaining Digital Collections, and Discovery. We review the issues, challenges and opportunities in each of these areas, with particular emphasis on managing change as we progress towards building a new, formal Digital Library Program. Presenters: Lars Meyer (Emory University), Emily Porter (Emory University). Envisioning An Analog Repository -- Join us to develop a working model of a multinational Analog Repository that will allow libraries to rethink the use of their physical and digital space. This working session will start with a 10 to 15 minute presentation of a proposed model that will allow libraries to divest themselves of their physical collection yet ensure the continued existence of the physical objects. Participants will then be encouraged to work together in small groups to constructively question the decisions, provide alternatives and help build a more robust working model. This model will then be used in a future cost benefit analysis. Presenter: Hannah Rasmussen (Indiana University Bloomington). It's Hard to Say Goodbye: Lessons Learned from a Whole Lotta Sunsetting -- Scholars Portal has hosted RefWorks for over seventy institutions since 2004. After a failed RFP in late 2013, the decision was made to end all central citation management support, a process which wrapped up in September 2015. This snapshot session will look at some of the highlights and lowlights from this mass migration. We'll look at the many ways schools chose to communicate the transition, where it was successful, and where we flopped. Two months post-shut-down, we'll also look at how much heat we're still getting, and what we might do differently for our next software sunsetting adventure. Presenter: Jacqueline Whyte Appleby (Scholars Portal, Ontario Council of University Libraries). Using GitHub to Enhance Government Data Access. Increasingly researchers across the board are seeking out data to tackle the most complex and interesting questions in their disciplines and society. There is no place where this is better exhibited than in the social sciences. Libraries are constantly receiving requests from researchers seeking access to often free data. The increased access to data science tools and techniques have enabled Libraries to meet the growing need for data by users. tools like RStudio, GitHub, and Torrent we are able to create new data sets and offer that access to a wider audience without added expense to library budgets. Presenter: Jonathan Cain (University of Oregon)

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