Digital Library Federation (DLF) (2015)

Facilitating researcher discovery across all disciplines : challenges and strategies for implementing campus researcher profiles for humanists and social scientists Bryant, Rebecca; Allee, Ruth; McCready, Kate; Speer, Julie


In recent years, we have seen a proliferation of researcher profile tools to support disciplinary and interdisciplinary discovery of potential collaborators and to serve as a showcase for research. In addition to social media tools designed specifically for researchers (like Research Gate and and identifier systems (like ResearcherID and ORCID), many universities have also implemented researcher profile systems to aggregate campus research, showcase university research strengths, and facilitate discovery of potential interdisciplinary collaborators both on and off campus. While ostensibly a benefit for all researchers, a majority of these implementations have focused on biomedical and STEM researchers and are often housed in a medical school or college of engineering. A number of universities also are taking a comprehensive approach to the implementation of the systems, with a scope to include faculty and scholars from the humanities and social sciences. In this presentation, program leaders from both public and private research universities will discuss their implementations of researcher information systems, including: • Collaboration with other campus units and faculty governance committees to define project goals and build consensus on policy issues • Decision making about inclusion of social science and humanities faculty • The specific challenges of identifying humanities publication information (particularly monographs) and how each institution is addressing this challenge • Communications challenges and best practices for successful launch and promotion of campus researcher profiles

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