International Construction Specialty Conference of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (ICSC) (5th : 2015)

Public-private partnerships : analysis of government implementation units Abdel Aziz, Ahmed M.; Elmahdy, Amr


In the international Public-private partnerships (PPP) market, there is a common use of PPP units for the initiation and management of PPPs. The common examples include Partnerships BC, Partnerships UK, and Partnerships Victoria. A PPP unit could be a policy unit, implementation unit, or both. In the United States PPPs have been implemented through the same offices that manage the conventional design-bid-build projects. Content analysis and a case study approach have been used in this research to examine the use of PPP units in the United States. The analysis shows that PPP transportation projects are delivered in the PPP-enabled states through the internal resources of the departments of transportation without centralized government office. Around fourteen states have internal PPP offices that provide partial/full policy formulation/guidance, coordination, and promotion. Only five states have expanded the functions to the real PPP procurement management work, and that those states are also the leading states in PPP implementation. Having a unit that carries only policy guidance might not be as effective as a unit that does both PPP policy and procurement management. Without centralized units, the implementation of PPP would not be effectively streamlined and implemented in government. The analysis also shows that Florida and Texas are expanding their PPP toward more public facilities and infrastructure; this signifies that the more a state became familiar with PPP, the more it used it for the delivery of projects. The research provides insights to public agencies on the use of PPP units.

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