International Construction Specialty Conference of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (ICSC) (5th : 2015)

A time-cost-quality trade-off model for nuclear-type projects Shahtaheri, Maryam; Nasir, Hassan; Haas, Carl T.; Salimi, Tabassom


The purpose of this paper is to introduce a generalized multi-dimensional joint confidence level model for nuclear refurbishment planning, using the Darlington retube and feeder replacement (RFR) project (which is a multi-billion dollar effort) as a research platform. The intentions of this model are twofold: (1) determining the best set(s) of cost, schedule, and proxies for quality such as radiation expenditures by incorporating the variations of work-shift models on both the activity duration distributions and the logic of the work flow, (2) improve the expected reliability and predictability involved in the resource allocation system (schedule), by “efficiently” integrating the influential project factors, constraints, and labour shift models associated with the schedule. An effective Monte Carlo based time-cost-quality trade-off model is contributed for examining the performance and risk impacts of various work-shift designs and thus supports the choice of an optimal work-shift design.

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