International Construction Specialty Conference of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (ICSC) (5th : 2015)

Characterizing bottlenecks in building design coordination meetings Cavka, Hasan Burak; Staub-French, Sheryl; Tory, Melanie


We conducted an ethnographic study of design coordination meetings to better understand the challenges faced by project teams as they coordinate designs in multi-disciplinary meeting environments. This ethnographic study involved observation and analysis of twenty-seven design coordination meetings from the design development phase of a high performance institutional research building. Design coordination and conflict detection are two of the most common and highly valued uses of Building Information Modeling (BIM). However, in our observations of these meetings, we found that BIM tools were extremely under-utilized. This research identified and characterized the bottlenecks encountered during these in-person design coordination meetings. We observed meeting bottlenecks when meeting activities were performed inefficiently, when the meeting process was slowed down, when meeting workflow was interrupted, or when decision-making was hindered. We identified and characterized meeting bottlenecks in a framework that illustrates the nature of each bottleneck and the frequency of its occurrence. According to our observations, we identified five types of bottlenecks that hindered the efficiency of design coordination meetings: people, meeting environment, drawings, interaction/access and information. We anticipate that these findings will help to inform the development of better meeting processes, the design of new interaction, visualization, and integration technologies that better support the meeting processes of design teams.

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