International Construction Specialty Conference of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (ICSC) (5th : 2015)

Challenges and obstacles facing tenderers adopting e-tendering in the public sector of the construction industry in Egypt Khalil, Cherif A.; Waly, Ahmed F.


The construction public sector in Egypt, like most countries in the world, is tendering its projects through the traditional paper-based tendering procedure, which has many weaknesses including bureaucracy and lack of transparency. Due to the considerable volume of projects tendered each year, it was essential to study the possibility of implementing another more efficient mechanism “E-Tendering” that overcomes the drawbacks of the paper-based tendering procedure. This on-going research examines the readiness of the construction industry in Egypt to adopt E-Tendering for public tenders and provides recommendations to improve its uptake. This paper provides a model of the barriers, challenges and concerns of the Egyptian tenderers towards accepting and adopting E-Tendering. This is accomplished through extensive review of the literature together with expert identification and analysis. 19 challenges are highlighted and categorized into 4 categories: security challenges, user acceptance and staff resistance, accessibility issues and legal barriers. These challenges are then examined and ranked with respect to their importance by a panel of academic and industry experts to reflect the Egyptian public tendering context. The most important highlighted barriers are the SMEs access difficulties, the expected technical malfunctioning of the portal, the reluctance/resistance to change and the breach of confidentiality of information. These findings present a cornerstone in the development of a framework that presents practical solutions to the success of E-Tendering for the construction public projects in Egypt.

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