Browsing 2020's Items (436)
Gibbsian Line ensembles in Integrable Probability - 1
Corwin, Ivan
Barry Bradlyn at Fractons and Beyond
Bradlyn, Barry
Non-central Funk-Radon transforms
Agranovsky, Mark
The convex hull of random points on the boundary of a simple polytope
Schütt, Carsten
Localization technique for discrete log-concave random variables
Marsiglietti, Arnaud
Volume estimates for some random convex sets
Giannopoulos, Apostolos
The log-Brunn-Minkowski inequality and its local version
Putterman, Eli
Constrained convex bodies with extremal affine surface areas
Werner, Elisabeth
Functional surface area measures
Rotem, Liran
On some results in harmonic analysis on the discrete cube
Oleszkiewicz, Krzysztof
Large deviations for random networks and applications - 2
Ganguly, Shirshendu
scNMT-seq:MOSAIC, or Multi-Omic Supervised Integrative Clustering
Arora, Arshi
Khovanov homology detects split links
Lipshitz, Robert
Finite element methods for ice sheet modeling
Ahlkrona, Josefin
From Stochastic Thermodynamics to Thermodynamic Inference
Seifert, Udo
Thermodynamics of Biochemical Reaction Networks: Information, Accuracy and Speed
Esposito, Massimiliano
Asymptotic behavior of solutions to level-set mean curvature flow equations with discontinuous source terms
Hamamuki, Nao
Reaction-diffusion equations in the half-space
Graham, Cole
Spreading speeds of nonlocal diffusion KPP equations
Liang, Xing
Mathematical analysis of a reaction-diffusion model for Neolithic transition in Europe
Mori, Ryunosuke
The principal eigenvalue problem for some second order elliptic and parabolic operators with large advectionÂ
Zhou, Maolin
Strong competition limit, traveling waves and best dispersal strategy for Lotka-Volterra competitive systems
Girardin, Léo
Uniform spanning trees in high dimension 3
Hutchcroft, Tom
Admission Policies for Complex Resource Allocation Problems
Taylor, Peter
On Bayesian Estimation for Join the Shortest Queue Model
Ghashim, Ehssan
Completing a Task with Interruptions
Hlynka, Myron
Catastrophes and Queueing Systems with Time-Varying Periodic Transition Rates
Margolius, Barbara
Modularity of elliptic curves over totally real quartic fields not containing the square root of 5
Box, Josha
A Chabauty-Coleman bound for surfaces in abelian threefolds
Pasten, Hector
Fields of definition of elliptic fibrations on covers of certain extremal rational elliptic surfaces
Cantoral Farfán, Victoria
Principal polarizations and Shimura data for families of cyclic covers of the projective line
Pries, Rachel
Q-curves over odd degree number fields
Najman, Filip
A general S-unit equation solver and tables of elliptic curves over number fields
Matschke, Benjamin
Explicit coverings of K3 surfaces by the square of a curve
Logan, Adam
Hasse principle for a family of K3 surfaces
Loughran, Daniel
The Generic Clifford Algebra and its Brauer Class
Ure, Charlotte
Polynomials over central division algebras (joint with Shira Gilat)
Matzri, Eli
Rigidity for Unirational Groups
Rosengarten, Zev
A finiteness theorem for special unitary groups of quaternionic skew-hermitian forms with good reduction
Srinivasan, Srimathy
The unramified Brauer group
Parimala, Raman
Joint and Individual Representation of Domains of Sleep, Physical Activity, and Circadian Rhythmicity: Multilevel Perspective
Little, Max
Polarity, transportation and potentials
Artstein, Shiri
Euclidean random permutations
Peled, Ron
Topological complexity of the work map
Wu, Jie
Scaling limits of Baxter permutations and bipolar orientations
Maazoun, Mickaël
Dual curvature measures and the Orlicz-Minkowski problem
Xing, Sudan
Ergodicity-breaking arising from Hilbert space fragmentation in dipole-conserving Hamiltonians
Pollmann, Frank
Fun with fractons
Williamson, Dominic
Radon transforms supported in hypersurfaces and a conjecture by Arnold
Boman, Jan
Decay and asymptotics for the 1D Klein-Gordon equation with variable coefficient cubic nonlinearities
Luhrmann, Jonas
An Exactly Solvable Model for a 4+1D Beyond-Cohomology Symmetry Protected Topological Phase
Haah, Jeongwan
Missing Data in Accelerometry: Challenges and Considerations
Herring, Amy
How to apply modern harmonic analysis to study high frequency physiological time series
Wu, Hau-Tieng
Susan Murphy at Use of Wearable and Implantable Devices in Health Research
Murphy, Susan
Applications of Wearable Devices in Personalized Healthcare
Mintz, Yonatan
Tensor gauge theory at Lifshitz transition
Ma, Han
Developing Digital Tools to Monitor and Support Mental Health
Bidargaddi, Niranjan
Modeling Densely Sampled Activity Data Derived from Wearable Sensors: Opportunities and Challenges
Natarajan, Loki
Open-source digital biomarker development
Bent, Brinnae
Proof Complexity of Systems of (Non-Deterministic) Decision Trees and Branching Programs
Knop, Alexander
Forbidden induced subgraphs and potential maximal cliques
Chudnovsky, Maria
Three-colouring P_t-free graphs in subexponential time
Groenland, Carla
3-degenerate induced subgraphs of a planar graph
Oum, Sang-il
Clustered colouring and immersion
Liu, Chun-Hung
Exactly m-coloured graphs
Narayanan, Bhargav
Problem session
Mohar, Bojan
Geodesic complexity of non-geodesic spaces
Davis, Don
Physically optimizing inference
Sivak, David
Bayesian calibration of ice-sheet models
Gudmundsson, Hilmar
Stochastic models of rare events in cell biology
Newby, Jay
Graph-theoretical analysis of biochemical networks
Roussel, Marc
Odd primary analogues of Real orientations
Hahn, Jeremy
Chromatic localizations of algebraic K-theory
Meier, Lennart
The fiber of the map Sigma_G^\infty M to A_G(M)
Merling, Mona
Poroelasticity, supraglacial lake drainage and ocean tides
Neufeld, Jerome
Subglacial frozen fringe
Meyer, Colin
The K-theory of truncated polynomial algebras and coordinate axes
Speirs, Martin
The naive-commutative structure on rational equivariant K-theory
May, Clover
A slice refinement of Bökstedt periodicity
Sulyma, Yuri
C_2-equivariant stable homotopy groups
Isaksen, Dan
Motivic Hochschild homology
Dundas, Bjorn
Characteristic polynomials and TR with coefficients
Nikolaus, Thomas
Two theories of real cyclotomic spectra
Shah, Jay
Tate blueshift for real oriented cohomology
Quigley, J.D.
Equivariant Witt vectors, real topological Hochschild homology, and norms
Angelini-Knoll, Gabriel
Segal and Waldhausen K-theory: a multiplicative comparison
Bohmann, Anna Marie
Discrepancy Minimization via a Self-Balancing Walk
Alweiss, Ryan
Improved Discrepancy Bounds and Estimates
Pasing, Hendrik
Curve Based Approximation of Images on Manifolds
Neumayer, Sebastian
On the Computational Complexity of Linear Discrepancy
Li, Lily
A deterministic set of spherical points with small discrepancy
Etayo, Ujue
Difference Necklaces
Scheidler, Renate
Unconditional computation of fundamental units in number fields
Yee, Randy
Refinements of Strong Multiplicity One for $\rm{GL}(2)$
Wong, Peng-Jie
An explicit version of Chebotarevâ s density theorem
Das, Sourabh
Arthur packets for sub-regular unipotent representations of $G_2$
Zhang, Qing
Distribution of values of $L$-functions in the critical strip - Function Field version
Lumley, Allysa
Introduction from BIRS Scientific Director, CIH Committee
Pramanik, Malabika
An Introduction to Homomesy through Promotion and Rowmotion on Order Ideals
Vorland, Corey
Promotion via representations of quivers
Garver, Alexander
The Power Spectrum of Passive Scalar Turbulence in the Batchelor Regime
Bedrossian, Jacob
Wave Turbulence in Finite Domain â Role of Discrete Resonant Manifold
Pan, Yulin
The fourth moment of quadratic Dirichlet $L$-functions
Shen, Quanli
Energy Cascade in Internal Wave Attractors
Dauxois, Thierry
Nonlinear Stability of Vortices and Shear Flows
Ionescu, Alexandru
Promotion, Webs, and Kwebs
Patrias, Rebecca
Infinite friezes and bracelets
Gunawan, Emily
Mass-action systems: From linear to non-linear inequalities
Yu, Polly
Convex Hulls of Trajectories
Kaihnsa, Nidhi
Tutorial: Challenges in the study of algebraic models of biochemical reaction networks
Feliu, Elisenda
Limit cycles of planar vector fields, Hilbertâ s 16th problem and o-minimality
Speissegger, Patrick
Tutorial: Model Theory, Quantifier Elimination and Differential Algebra - 1
Marker, David
Branching random walks and stretched exponential tails
Dyszewski, Piotr
The extremal particles of branching Brownian motion
Johnston, Samuel
The earring correspondence on the pillowcase
Kotelskiy, Artem
Gibbsian Line ensembles in Integrable Probability - 3
Corwin, Ivan
Symplectic trisections and the adjunction inequality
Lambert-Cole, Peter
Keynote Talk: Computational Challenges
Holmes, Susan
The Kreweras Complement
Barnard, Emily
Independence Posets
Williams, Nathan
Lagrangians, SO(3)-instantons and the Atiyah-Floer Conjecture
Daemi, Aliakbar
Blockchain and Data Science: Two Perspectives
Laskowski, Marek
The quantitatively Brownian nature of the Airy line ensemble - 1
Calvert, Jacob
The quantitatively Brownian nature of the Airy line ensemble - 2
Hegde, Milind
Singularity of 0/1 random Bernoulli matrices
Litvak, Alexander
The rectangular peg problem
Greene, Josh
Brownian absolute continuity of KPZ fixed point with arbitrary initial condition
Sarkar, Sourav
Empirical distribution along geodesics in exponential last passage percolation
Zhang, Lingfu
scNMT-seq: LIGER
Welch, Joshua
CORTEX seq-FISH: selection of spatial coherent genes
Xu, Hang
scNMT-seq: multivariate integrative analyses
Abadi, Al
sc targeted proteomics: comparing multi-block PCA, linear regression
Meng, Chen
Keynote Talk (Cortex seq-FISH study)
Yuan, Guocheng
Introduction to a new high resolution calibration dataset: free living people, accelerometry, and direct observation
Staudenmayer, John
Writing with Manubot
Greene, Casey
Love, Michael
with Elena Pulvirenti: Metastability for interacting Particle Systems - 1
den Hollander, Frank
with Elena Pulvirenti: Metastability for interacting Particle Systems - 4
den Hollander, Frank
A Brief Introduction to Mean Field Spin Glass Models - 2
Jagannath, Aukosh
TAP approach and optimization of full-RSB spherical spin glasses
Subag, Eliran
Information-theoretic limits of Bayesian inference in Gaussian noise
Miolane, Léo
Large deviations for random networks and applications - 1
Ganguly, Shirshendu
Simplicity and Complexity in Belief Propagation - 1
Mossel, Elchanan
Symmetry of Narayana numbers and rowvacuation of root posets
Hopkins, Sam
Littlewood-Richardson coefficients and birational combinatorics
Grinberg, Darij
Rationality and derived categories of some Fano threefolds over non-closed fields
Kuznetsov, Alexander
Stability conditions via Tits cone intersections
Wemyss, Michael
Using geometric realizations to construct Non-Fourier-Mukai functors
Rizzardo, Alice
Antisymplectic involutions on projective hyperkähler manifolds
Macri, Emanuele
Brill-Noether Theorems for moduli spaces of sheaves on surfaces
Coskun, Izzet
A couple of conjectures in arithmetic dynamics over fields of positive characteristic.
Ghioca, Dragos
A categorical sl_2 action on some moduli spaces of sheaves
Addington, Nicolas
Hochschild homology for C_n -equivariant things
Klang, Inbar
The Brauer group of bielliptic surfaces
Tirabassi, Sofia
Bayesian modeling and data integration in infectious disease phylodynamics
Minin, Vladimir
Decomposing the sources of SARS-CoV-2 fitness variation using phylodynamics
Rasmussen, David
Large-scale phylogeography of hCoV-19
Gascuel, Olivier
Phylodynamic inference - with and without phylogenies
Koelle, Katia
Genomic epidemiology of SARS-CoV-2 in Quebec
Murall, Carmen
On the Zariski dense orbit conjecture
Xie, Junyi
Estimating population level transmission dynamics from pathogen deep sequence data: a case study around HIV hotspots in sub Saharan-Africa
Ratmann, Oliver
Hierarchical population genomic structure of bacterial pathogens in EnteroBase
Achtman, Mark
How different is the flu you transmit from the flu you received
Wahl, Lindi
High-resolution characterization of global Salmonella subpopulations
Liu, Jimmy
Bayesian inference of parameters in transmission models
Wang, Liangliang
Billiards and the arithmetic of non-arithmetic groups
McMullen, Curtis
The evolution of multi-strain bacterial populations
Croucher, Nicholas
Distribution continuum methods for phylogenetic inference
Bouchard, Alexandre
Do machine learning predictors of microbial phenotype from genotype identify causal variants
Mahmoudisaber, Morteza
mbImpute: an accurate and robust imputation method for microbiome data
Li, Jingyi Jessica
Combining sequencing technologies and data mining to study (mega)plasmid families
Cazares, Adrian
Model theory of group actions on fields
Kowalski, Piotr
Increased power from conditional bacterial genome-wide association identifies macrolide resistance mutations in Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Ma, Kevin
Identifying prognostic pairwise relationships among bacterial species in microbiome studies
Ostrovnaya, Irina
Interpretable machine learning methods for predicting drug resistance
Chindelevitch, Leonid
Synthetic biology approaches to suppression of antibiotic resistance
Ingalls, Brian
In-browser genome sketching for secure real-time genomic epidemiology
Anderson, Daniel
Definable Galois theory and holomorphic vector bundles
Pillay, Anand
Case fatality imputation using machine learning
Forna, Alpha
Instability of finite time blow-ups for incompressible Euler
Vasseur, Alexis
Pure stress modes for linear viscoelastic flows with variable coefficients
Renardy, Michael
From compressible Naveir-Stokes with nonlocal forces to Euler
Wroblewska-Kaminska, Aneta
Ergodic hypothesis for open fluid systems
Feireisl, Eduard
On the effective viscosity of suspensions
Gerard-Varet, David
Mv-strong uniqueness for density dependent, incompressible, non-Newtonian fluids
Woznicki, Jakub
Thermodynamically consistent derivation of a micro-macro model for dilute polymeric fluids
Dostalik, Mark
A variational approach to fluid-structure interaction
Benesova, Barbora
Decay of solutions to integrodifferential equations
Barta, Tomas
On the dynamical network of interacting particles: from micro to macro
Zatorska, Ewelina
Weak and measure-valued solutions for the compressible Euler equations
Wiedemann, Emil
Existence and uniqueness for a viscoelastic Kelvin-Voigt model with nonconvex stored energy
Tzavaras, Athanasios
On planar flows of viscoelastic fluids of the Burgers type
Los, Tomas
Dissipative measure-valued solutions for the Euler-Poisson equation
Świerczewska-Gwiazda, Agnieszka
Fast reaction limit with nonmonotone reaction function
Skrzeczkowski, Jakub
Existence analysis of a stationary compressible fluid model for heat-conducting and chemically reacting mixtures
Pokorný, Milan
Absolute Instabilities of Travelling Waves Solutions in a KellerSegel Model
Davis, Paige
Estimating the division of amyloid fibrils
Doumic, Marie
Stability results for the nonlocal Mullins-Sekerka flow
Fusco, Nicola
Statistical Properties of the Navier-Stokes-Voigt Model
Titi, Edriss
Quantifying uncertainties in the land ice contribution to sea level rise this century
Edwards, Tamsin
Large Ensemble Modelling of Greenland's Contribution to Sea Level Rise
Brinkerhoff, Douglas
Accumulation of subglacial till in grounding zones
Kowal, Katarzyna
Ice sheet flow with temperature-dependent sliding
Mantelli, Elisa
Ice-ocean interactions: coupling and parameterization
Seroussi, Helene
Ice streams
Haseloff, Marianne
On Depth 1 Frege Systems
Pudlak, Pavel
Dmitry Sokolov: (Semi)Algebraic Proofs over $\{\pm 1\}$ Variables
Sokolov, Dmitry
Why are Proof Complexity Lower Bounds Hard
Pich, Jan
The Surprising Power of Constant Depth Algebraic Proofs
Mouli, Sasank
On 1-BP complexity of satisfiable Tseitin formulas and how it relates to regular resolution
Itsykson, Dmitry
Reversible Pebble Games and the Relation between Tree-like and General Resolution
Toran, Jacobo
Hard Examples for Common Variable Decision Heuristics
Vinyals, Marc
Characterising QBF Hardness via Circuit Complexity
Beyersdorff, Olaf
Automating Resolution is NP-Hard
Atserias, Albert
Grounding lines
Sergienko, Olga
and Edward Hirsch: Semi-Algebraic Proofs, IPS Lower Bounds and the $\tau$-Conjecture: Can a Natural Number be Negative
Tzameret, Iddo
Polynomial Calculus Space and Resolution Width
Kolodziejczyk, Leszek
Exponential Resolution Lower Bounds for the Weak Pigeonhole Principle over Sparse Graphs
Risse, Kilian
Sum of Squares Bounds for the Ordering Principle
Potechin, Aaron
Lifting in Proof Complexity
Vinyals, Marc
SETH and Resolution
Bonacina, Ilario
Bounded-Depth Frege Complexity of Tseitin Formulas for All Graphs
Galesi, Nicola
Hardness Condensation
Razborov, Alexander
Michael Hermele at Fractons and Beyond
Hermele, Michael
Quantum smectic fracton order
Radzihovsky, Leo
Thomas Alazard at Dynamics in Geometric Dispersive Equations and the Effects of Trapping, Scattering and Weak Turbulence
Alazard, Thomas
Facilitation constraints in interacting Rydberg gases
Lesanovsky, Igor
Type-II Fractons from Defects in Topological Order
Bulmash, Daniel
Wojciech de Roeck at Fractons and Beyond
de Roeck, Wojciech
Non-Abelian Fracton Phases
Huang, Sheng-Jie
Differences Between Perfect Powers (Plenary)
Bennett, M. A. (Michael A.), 1966-
On the Comparison of Measures of Convex Bodies via Projections and Sections
Hosle, Johannes
Volume of intersections of convex bodies with their symmetric images and efficient coverings
Tkocz, Tomasz
On non-central sections of the simplex, the cube and the cross-polytope
Koenig, Hermann
On the volume of non-central sections of a cube
Rudelson, Mark
On a local solution of the 8th Busemann-Petty problem
Alfonseca-Cubero, Maria de los Angeles
Volume product and metric spaces
Garcia Lirola, Luis Carlos
Complex analogue of the algebra of even valuations on convex sets
Alesker, Semyon
Slicing properties of the lattice point enumerator
Henk, Martin
No good dimension reduction in the trace class norm
Schechtman, Gideon
An optimal plank theorem
Ortega Moreno, Oscar Adrian
Large deviations for random networks and applications - 3
Ganguly, Shirshendu
Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics of Catalytic Information Processing
Ouldridge, Thomas
Sharp discontinuous traveling waves in a hyperbolic Kellerâ Segel equation
Griette, Quentin
Schramm-Loewner evolution and imaginary geometry 1
Holden, Nina
Propagating terraces in multidimensional and spatially periodic domains
Giletti, Thomas
Schramm-Loewner evolution and imaginary geometry 2
Holden, Nina
The symmetry of stable solutions of semilinear elliptic equations
Nordmann, Samuel
Wave propagation in two-species strong competition models
Wu, Chang-Hong
Schramm-Loewner evolution and imaginary geometry 3
Holden, Nina
Convergence to traveling wave for the logarithmic diffusion equation with reaction term
Shimojo, Masahiko
Schramm-Loewner evolution and imaginary geometry 3
Holden, Nina
Size-based Scheduling with Estimation Errors
Down, Douglas
Queueing and Markov chain decomposition method to analyze Markov-modulated Markov chains
Sasanuma, Katsunobu
Queueing Theory in a World where most Queueing Problems are Solved by Simulation
Grassmann, Winfried
Fluid model for multiple TCP and UDP connections through a network of queues in a random environment
Sid Ali, Ahmed
Performance Analysis of a Markovian Queue with Service Rate and Customers' Joining Decisions
Zhang, George
The Distribution of the Line Length in a GI/G/1 Queue Using Distribution Little Laws and Roots Methods
Tavakoli, Javad
Double-Sided Queues with Marked Markovian Arrival Processes and Abandonment
Wu, Haoran
Bounds on the Mean and Squared Coefficient of Variation of Phase-Type Distributions
He, Qi-Ming
Powers in arithmetic progressions
Hajdu, Lajos
On Isolated Points of Odd Degree
Bourdon, Abbey
Rational torsion points on J_0(N)
Yoo, Hwajong
On the Tits-Weiss conjecture on U-operators and the Kneser-Tits conjecture for some groups of type E_7 and E_8.
Chernousov, Vladimir
The Congruence Subgroup Problem for Automorphism Groups
Ben-Ezra, David El-Chai
Superrigidity in rank one
Stover, Matthew
The scaling limit of the longest increasing subsequence
Dauvergne, Duncan
Morita Invariance of Invariant Topological Complexity
Colman, Hellen
On the rigorous derivation of the wave kinetic equation for NLS
Hani, Zaher
A problem on the affine quermassintegrals of convex bodies
Chasapis, Giorgos
Overview of research directions of FUSà E Lab @ à TS Montréal
Zhang, Kaiwen
A discussion on the Log-Brunn-Minkowski conjecture and related questions
Livshyts, Galyna
Miner Collusion and the BitCoin Protocol
Lehar, Alfred
Moments of random vectors
Latala, Rafal
Multipole gauge theories
Gromov, Andrey
Jaroslaw Harezlak at Use of Wearable and Implantable Devices in Health Research
Harezlak, Jaroslaw
Electric multipole insulators
Hughes, Taylor
Functional data methods for accelerometer data
Goldsmith, Jeff
On topological complexity of hyperbolic groups
Dranishnikov, Alexander
Registration of 24-hour accelerometer profiles with application to human chronotypes
Wrobel, Julia
Size-Degree Trade-Off for Sums-of-Squares Proofs
Hakoniemi, Tuomas
Challenges and opportunities in analysis of Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) data
Gaynanova, Irina
Practical Bayesian Deep Learning
Wilson, Andrew
Using Wearables to Think Beyond MVPA
Schrack, Jennifer
Logarithmicity, the TC-generating function and right-angled Artin groups
Oprea, John
Repeated patterns in properly edge-coloured graphs
Conlon, David
Analogies between chromatic number and dimension
Trotter, William
Improving Bounds for Hadwiger's conjecture
Postle, Luke
25 interesting problems on chi
Sivaraman, Vaidy
Universal product structures
Wood, David
Semialgebraic Proofs and Efficient Algorithm Design
Fleming, Noah
Stochastic modeling to infer gene regulatory rules from single cell coexpression patterns
Read, Elizabeth
Using machine learning to map transcriptomics to phenotype in bacteria and humans
Wytock, Thomas
Geodesic complexity and motion planning on graphs
Recio-Mitter, David
Self-communicating cancer cells
Mugler, Andrew
A two-step mechanism controlling stochastic cell fate specification in the fly eye
Johnston, Robert
Faster Growth Reduces the Sensitivity of Gene Circuits to Environmental Signals
Julou, Thomas
Developing a mathematical structure to reflect microbial community interactions
Brunner, Jim
Additive Power Operations in Equivariant Cohomology
Guillou, Bert
TC and syntomic cohomology
Mathew, Akhil
Inferring the basal sliding coefficient for the Stokes ice sheet model under rheological uncertainty
Petra, Noemi
Impacts of bathymetric uncertainty on ice-shelf melt (through adjoint modelling)
Goldberg, Daniel
Data-model integration in forward models of ice stream dynamics
Suckale, Jenny
Paleochronometry by control methods
Heimbach, Patrick
Ice Sheet Initialization
Perego, Mauro
The C_2 effective spectral sequence and the homotopy of ko_{C_2}
Kong, Hana Jia
Dirac geometry
Hesselholt, Lars
Models of Lubin-Tate spectra via Real bordism theory
Shi, XiaoLin Danny
Families of well-approximable measures
Fairchild, Samantha
Vector Balancing in Lebesgue Spaces
Reis, Victor
Hecke operators on vector-valued modular forms
Joshi, Aniket
Stuff I wish Iâ d paid better attention to in grad school: Math modeling in oncology drug R&D
Bottino, Dean
Promotion and rowmotion - an ocean of notions
Striker, Jessica
Invariant Gibbs measures and global Strong Solutions for periodic 2D nonlinear Schrödinger Equations.
Nahmod, Andrea
Statistical Analysis of Aliquot Sequences
Jacobson, Jr., Michael
Rank-one matrix estimation and Hamilton-Jacobi equations - 2
Mourrat, Jean Christophe
Rank-one matrix estimation and Hamilton-Jacobi equations - 1
Mourrat, Jean Christophe
Non-stationary Wave Turbulence
Nazarenko, Sergey
Some Primality Tests Constructed from a Cubic Extension of the Lucas Functions
Roettger, Eric
Dynamics of plane partitions
Pechenik, Oliver
Rank-one Matrix Estimation and Hamilton-Jacobi Equations - 3
Mourrat, Jean Christophe
Twisted fracton models and error thresholds for fracton codes
Song, Hao
Critical and Near-Critical Percolation - 1
Kozma, Gady
Critical and Near-Critical Percolation - 2
Kozma, Gady
Critical and Near-Critical Percolation - 3
Kozma, Gady
A model-theoretic analysis of geodesic equations in negative curvature
Jaoui, Remi
Introduction to tropical algebraic geometry
Ren, Yue
Finding and breaking Lie symmetries: implications for structural identifiability and observability of dynamic models
Villaverde, Alejandro F.
Ask not what algebra can do for biology - ask what biology can do for algebra
Laubenbacher, Reinhard
Irreducibility and generic ODEs
Nagloo, Joel
Gibbsian Line ensembles in Integrable Probability - 2
Corwin, Ivan
Instanton and Heegaard Floer homologies of surgeries on torus knots
Pinzon-Caicedo, Juanita
The Airy Sheet
Dauvergne, Duncan
Invariant measures for KdV and Toda-type discrete integrable systems
Croydon, David
Relative adjunction inequalities and their applications
Hedden, Matthew
Endpoints of disjoint Geodesics in the directed Landscape
Bates, Erik
CORTEX seq-FISH: clustering
Coullomb, Alexis
Exotic phases and phase transitions: quantum Monte Carlo studies
Assaad, Fakher
Geodesic Watermelons in Last Passage Percolation
Ganguly, Shirshendu
CORTEX seq-FISH: integration with scRNA-seq data
Singh, Amrit
sc targeted proteomics:Stan model for latent Dirichlet allocation
Jeganathan, Pratheepa
Networks - learning salient gene and protein features from network topologies.
Forster, Duncan
sc targeted proteomics: spatial analysis
Sankaran, Kris
Knot Floer homology as immersed curves
Hanselman, Jonathan
CORTEX seq-FISH: integration with scRNA-seq data
Sodicoff, Joshua
sc targeted proteomics: Predicting outcome, survival from 3 proteomics datasets (Keren, Jackson, Wagner)
Lin, Yingxin
Mixing and hitting times for Markov chains - 3
Sousi, Perla
Structural parameter identifiability with a view towards model theory
Pogudin, Gleb
DNase-seq data as a scaffold for complementary (single cell) datasets
Meuleman, Wouter
Keynote Talk (scNMT-seq study)
Stegle, Oliver
Software Infastructure
Carey, Vincent
The orbits of the Coxeter Transformation and Rowmotion for cominuscule posets
Yıldırım, Emine
with Elena Pulvirenti: Metastability for interacting Particle Systems - 3
den Hollander, Frank
Mean field methods in high-dimensional statistics and nonconvex optimization - 2
Montanari, Andrea
A Brief Introduction to Mean Field Spin Glass Models - 3
Jagannath, Aukosh
Disordered systems and random graphs - 3
Coja-Oghlan, Amin
Disordered systems and random graphs - 2
Coja-Oghlan, Amin
Disordered systems and random graphs - 1
Coja-Oghlan, Amin
Mean field methods in high-dimensional statistics and nonconvex optimization - 5
Montanari, Andrea
Simplicity and Complexity in Belief Propagation - 2
Mossel, Elchanan
Simplicity and Complexity in Belief Propagation - 3
Mossel, Elchanan
A birational lifting of the Lalanneâ Kreweras involution on Dyck paths
Joseph, Michael
Can we "open" the black box and convince health researchers to use machine learning
Kozey-Keadle, Sarah
Proof of birational file homomesy for minuscule posets (Repeat showing)
Okada, Soichi
Exceptional collections on moduli spaces of pointed stable rational curves
Castravet, Ana Maria
Generalized braid group actions
Anno, Rina
The cohomology of general tensor products of vector bundles on the projective plane
Huizenga, Jack
A geometric presentation of the flop-flop autoequivalence as a(n inverse) spherical twist
Barbacovi, Federico
Topological Hochschild cohomology for schemes
Booth, Matt
Equivariant currents and heights on the boundary of the ample cone of a K3 surface.
Filip, Simion
Phylodynamics and genealogy-valued Markov processes
King, Aaron
Schwarzian equation, automorphic functions and functional transcendence
Nagloo, Joel
Difference equations over fields of elliptic functions.
Deshalit, Ehud
On an arithmetic criterion for holonomicity
Dimitrov, Vesselin
Elliptic surfaces and R-divisors
DeMarco, Laura
Mapping the shared evolutionary trajectories of resistance genes and other (possibly!) bad actors
Beiko, Robert
Estimating the age groups that sustain resurging COVID-19 epidemics in the United States
Monod, Melodie
Genomic tracking of SARS-CoV-2 evolution and spread
Bedford, Trevor
Bayesian community modelling of the microbiome
Greenwood, Celia
Additive uncorrelated relaxed clock models
Didelot, Xavier
Algebraic independence of solutions of linear difference equations
Hardouin, Charlotte
Inference of Multiscale Selection using a Continuous Type Birth Death Model
Hamins-Puertolas, Marco
Improving the interpretability of k-mer-based signatures for antibiotic resistance prediction
Mahé, Pierre
Finite orbits and canonical heights for large groups of automorphisms.
Cantat, Serge
Adaptation to the cervical environment is associated with increased antibiotic susceptibility in Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Mortimer, Tatum
Using phylodynamics and decision trees to estimate the effects of mutation on viral fitness
Kepler, Lenora
Population genomics of A. baumannii reveals a licentious and highly mobile resistome
Castillo-Ramirez, Santiago
ggCaller: a gene caller for bacterial pangenome graphs
Horsfield, Sam
Considerations for estimating Rt in Alberta, Canada
Gordon, Paul
PseudotimeDE: inference of differential gene expression along cell pseudotime with well-calibrated p-values from single-cell RNA sequencing data
Song, Dongyuang
Non-uniqueness of admissible weak solutions to the compressible Euler equations with smooth initial data
Kreml, Ondřej
Local-in-time existence of solutions to strain-limiting viscoelasticity
Şengül, Yasemin
Large data analysis for Kolmogorovâ s two-equation model of turbulence
Bulicek, Miroslav
Benchmarking computational doublet-detection methods for single-cell RNA sequencing data
Xi, Miles
Deep clustering of bacterial tree images
Hayati, Maryam
Analysis and approximation of implicitly constituted non-Newtonian fluid flow models
Suli, Endre
Viscoelastic phase separation: analysis and numerics
Lukácová-Medvidová, Mária
Thermodynamics of viscoelastic rate-type fluids and its implications for stability analysis
Průša, Vít
Effective dynamics for stochastic differential equations
Lelievre, Tony
On evolutionary problems with a-priori bounded gradients
Málek, Josef
Flows initiated by ripped density
Mucha, Piotr
Incompressible limit for a two-species model with coupling through Brinkmanâ s law.
Dębiec, Tomasz
On the motion of a compressible viscous fluid driven by time-periodic inflow/outflow boundary conditions
Abbatiello, Anna
On a body with a cavity filled with compressible fluid
Macha, Vaclav
Viscoelastic motions of Maxwell fluids with finite propagation speed
Boyaval, Sébastien
Analysis of an unsteady flow of an incompressible heat-conductive rate-type viscoelastic fluid with stress diffusion
Bathory, Michal
Compressible Navier-Stokes equations with heterogeneous pressure laws
Jabin, Pierre-Emmanuel
Analysis of degenerate cross-diffusion systems for heat-conducting fluid mixtures
Juengel, Ansgar
Vanishing porosity limit of the coupled Stokes-Brinkman system
Niu, Dongjuan
Uniqueness and regularity of flows of non-Newtonian fluids with critical power-law growth
Kaplicky, Petr
On the dynamic slip boundary condition
Maringová, Erika
Hardware-accelerated genome sketching enables real-time genomic epidemiology of pathogens
Lees, John
A menagerie of approaches to ice sheet-ocean coupling, with emphasis on US Department of Energy models
Asay-Davis, Xylar
From optimal control to automatic differentiation: challenges in data assimilation in ice sheet modeling
Morlighem, Mathieu
Trilinos/Kokkos-based strategy towards achieving a performance portable land-ice model
Tezaur, Irina
Inland diffusion of terminus-initiated thinning on the Greenland Ice Sheet
Felikson, Denis
Will structural failure occur during ice retreat into deep Antarctic basins
Pollard, David
Friction at the base of glaciers: insights from modeling at various scales
Gagliardini, Olivier
Bifurcations and noise in ice sheet dynamics
Robel, Alexander
Hewitt, Ian
Consistency of Circuit Lower Bounds with Bounded Theories
Carboni Oliveira, Igor
Automated Proof Search: The Aftermath
Goos, Mika
k-Clique and Regular vs. General Resolution
Pang, Shuo
Resolution and the binary encodings of combinatorial principles
Galesi, Nicola
Proof Complexity 2020
Beame, Paul
Jeremy Bassis at Mathematical Modelling in Glaciology
Bassis, Jeremy
Overview of DOE projects
Price, Stephen
Time-series data analysis
Minchew, Brent
Lifting with Simple Gadgets and Applications to Circuit and Proof Complexity
de Rezende, Susanna
Strichartz estimates for the compressible Euler equation with vorticity and low-regularity solutions.
Disconzi, Marcelo
Emergent fractons and algebraic quantum liquid from plaquette melting transitions
You, Yizhi
Entanglement renormalization of fractonic gauge theories
Shirley, Wilbur
Nicolas Regnault at Fractons and Beyond
Regnault, Nicolas
Maissam Barkeshli at Fractons and Beyond
Barkeshli, Maissam
Fractons: the road to reality
Pretko, Michael
TQFT of Fracton Orders
Slagle, Kevin