Vancouver Institute Lectures

How the arts are central to a healthy democracy Wyman, Max


Mr. Wyman is one of Canada’s foremost cultural commentators. For more than three decades he wrote arts criticism for The Vancouver Sun and CBC Radio. Mr. Wyman is the author of a number of books, among them Dance Canada: An Illustrated History (1989), The Defiant Imagination: Why Culture Matters (2009), and its sequel The Compassionate Imagination: How the Arts Are Central to a Functioning Democracy (2023), as well as several biographies. He is currently working on a memoir. Mr. Wyman is a former member of the board of the Canada Council for the Arts, and a former President of the Canadian Commission for UNESCO. For his services to the arts he has received multiple awards, including the Queen’s 25th, 50th and 60th Jubilee Medals, and the 125th Anniversary of Canada Medal.

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